5 popular cello songs to learn as an adult beginner
I have listed 5 popular cello songs that are great for adult beginner cellists. Even if you do not know how to play the cello, you will enjoy listening to these tunes!
It may be surprising to learn that the most popular cello songs are the songs for children. Most adults have heard of many songs for children and have even heard some popular ones. However, only a few adults are aware of the number of songs that are available for children. Let’s take a look at five of the most popular cello songs for adults beginners.
Table of Contents
1. "Happy Birthday"
Here is a fun and easy way to play the popular song “Happy Birthday To You” on your cello. This song has been around for over a hundred years. In the past a lot of people have learned how to play the song because it is so easy to learn. Then I found out that the song was popular in the past and that it has been recorded a lot over the years. So the only thing that was left to do was to learn how to play it.
You can get the music scores from this link.
2. "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"
This is a popular children’s song written by the parents of John Henry. It is a song that speaks to its listeners and teaches them about friendship, imagination, and perseverance. The song itself is formed only on 2 phrases but with repetition in phrases, it created the full song. So technically you are only playing 2 phrases. This is a popular song for beginner cellists to learn from their cello teachers.
Music sheet for cello is available here.
3. "Mary Had A Little Lamb"
Marry Had A Little Lamb is a popular duet for both vocalists. It is not only a favourite song, but it is also an important part of the musical biography of the French composer and pianist, Claude Debussy. “Mary Had a Little Lamb” is known as a duet with French lyrics. As it is popular, kids and adults already know the tune of the song, so when learning to play this song, it makes it more enjoyable and easy to play even if you want to play by ear.
4. "Yankee Doodle"
This is another popular duet between cellist and piano player. The soloist can vary the tempo from slow and lovely to fast and energetic. What is fun about this piece is that the players can play the exact same notes but start at different times but still be able to harmonise to form a beautiful song. The notes are very easy to play as it does not require different notes, most of the notes are repeated.
You can find the music note at 8notes.com
5. “Long, Long Ago”
This song is an introduction piece usually for string instruments, eg: cello. The notes are what are usually taught during the beginner period of cello lessons in Singapore. Therefore this makes a very appropriate song to learn during the cello class. The tune of the song is very catchy and can be easily remembered. There are many variations to play this song like making it fast, slow, double notes, triple notes etc.
These five songs are really great for adult beginners to learn during their cello lessons in Singapore, as these songs are easy to learn and fun to play. There are a lot of great cello songs for adult beginners out there, check out our blog for more great cello songs sheets.