Leslie Tan & LVL Music Academy started an exclusive partnership to provide weekly cello masterclasses of a premium standard to cello students in Singapore.

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Learn the cello from the master cellist Leslie Tan

Are you a cellist searching for a new experience that will push your learning even further? You should attend our premium cello masterclass from the cello master, Leslie Tan.

If you are struggling with a particular piece of music, or you need expert advice and guidance before an important recital and concert, then you should attend our cello masterclasses by Leslie Tan. A private cello master class with Leslie will enable you to have one-on-one support given by one of the top cello players in the world.


Leslie Tan is a founding member of the T’ang Quartet and has performed all over the world in major venues and festivals. From playing in the Tanglewood and Aspen Festivals in the USA to the Melbourne and Port Fairy festivals in Australia, the Hong Kong Arts Festival, and even the Prague-Vienna-Budapest Sommerakademie.

Leslie Tan has gained significant professional performing experience worldwide.

Graduating at 19 years old from the Trinity College of Music, Leslie returned to Singapore and joined the Singapore Symphony Orchestra, a move that would help propel his career and establish himself as such a world-renowned cellist. Following this, Leslie studied further at the Tchaikovsky-Moscow State Conservatoire, alongside Natalia Shahkovskaya.

Leslie has worked with famous artists such as Paul Katz, Norman Fischer, and Kenneth Goldsmith. Learning alongside these experts has only fuelled Leslie’s career.


The content of each masterclass will vary depending on the student’s needs and skills, ensuring that the private session is completely adapted to the student. If you choose to undertake more than one masterclass with Leslie, no two classes will follow the same format, and instead will be adapted to your changing preferences and technical needs.

There will be an underlying structure that Leslie will follow to ensure that each session is completed to the highest LVL Music Academy’s standard. A variety of important techniques will be covered ranging from:

cello masterclass in Singapore


Leslie is not only an expert performer of classical cello, but he is also a champion of a number of outreach and charitable activities and ventures. Leslie is a member of the Glom Ensemble in Thailand where he spends time teaching within different projects. He also spends time working in Myanmar with Gitamet, significant art, and culture NGO.

Recently, he has himself started a program with the Singapore International Foundation to work alongside Afghan refugees aiming to succeed within music. Through all of his charitable work, Leslie aims to enrich the lives of underprivileged young people within Asia and assist them in their musical journey and education.

LVL Music Academy Cello Masterclass


The year 2020 has seen Leslie Tan and the LVL Music Academy start their exclusive partnership.

Leslie will be providing weekly masterclasses of a premium level to LVL Music Academy pupils who are interested. As these classes are of a premium level, with a world-renowned cellist, fees for these classes will reflect this premium opportunity. Masterclasses with Leslie Tan will be organised by the LVL Music Academy and will be set at a higher price in comparison to standard classes.