Whether you are getting weekly lessons in person, or you have turned to home music lessons during Covid, our top tips for practising can make sure you have more effective sessions, and that your piano knowledge grows more quickly as a result.
Table of Contents
1. Follow a structure
2. Keep it regular
3. Make it fun
One reason people give up on piano is that they aren’t enjoying what they are learning. Using piano lessons for kids can be a great way to keep it fun and engaging for younger people. Also, rewarding yourself by learning songs you actually care about playing gives you this extra reward.
4. Warm up your hands
This might sound silly, but it is actually really important. Cold and stiff fingers are not ideal for playing the piano, so you should ensure your fingers are warm and the blood is flowing before you tackle that new piece.
5. Don’t ignore the basics
We mean the very basics, it is incredibly easy to start using incorrect hand positions and develop bad habits in that way. Are you using the proper piano posture? These things should be among the very first things you learn, but when you are practising on your own they can be the first things you forget, too.
6. Don’t get ahead of yourself
A lot of people playing the piano try to jump ahead and learn songs that they are desperate to play. Your knowledge might not be there yet. If you have just started reading piano notes then you are not likely to be able to sight-read a famous concerto. Remember that the learning process here is all about baby steps.
7. Listening is just as important
A vital part of learning how to play the piano is listening to music in a new way. You can learn a surprising amount by listening, and even visualising the notes or chords to a piece of music. If you are on a bus and need something to do, listen to the song you have been trying to get right.
8. Set yourself goals
This is a tried and tested method to keep yourself interested and engaged through any learning process, including learning the piano. By setting yourself simple goals to work towards, you are helping to create a structure and reward system for your learning.
9. Don’t get frustrated
This is another tip regarding the fact that it is not easy to learn how to play the piano. Lots of people do get frustrated and quit. Remember that you can always come back to the piano, and missing a practice session isn’t the end of the world. Give yourself time to cool off and revisit it later.
10. Involve others
Practising with other musicians can be a great way to inspire yourself, and to challenge your knowledge. Plus, it gives you the chance to get feedback on your playing.
Everyone’s experience learning the piano is slightly different, but these tried and tested tips are a great way to ensure that you do not give up on piano, and that you enjoy effective sessions every time when practicing piano.